More and more ladies are becoming more interested in having lean and athletic looks, and as such, they are more open to lifting weights and taking steroids to help them get the result they desire. Many are the steroids which women can use for good results, but few of them are able to deliver the kinds of results that Anavar for women delivers. In the world of anabolic steroids, Anavar is to women what testosterone is to men.
It is a known fact that most of the anabolic steroids in the market today come with very mean effects on the womenfolk – the kinds of an effect that make many women shy away from using steroids. These include the complete destruction of the lady’s femininity as well as virilization. But Anavar is not like the rest and it comes with very admirable results which makes it such a darling to women who desire to tap into the benefits of using steroids but don’t want to lose their feminine looks.
This is primarily because Anavar contains a mild hormone whose side effects are very friendly and will not make its users worry about things such as virilization as is always the case with using other steroids for women.
What Anavar Does
That it is commonly referred to as “girl steroid” is a vivid indication of how popular the steroid is amongst female bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. It is not the kind of steroid you will use then expect to start looking like a man after some time. This is because it comes with very few signs of steroid use, and unless you have a good understanding of what to look for in those who use steroids, you will never be able to tell whether or not a woman is using steroids.
In order to understand how Anavar works, it is important to first understand that its androgenic rate is very low and this implies that it will not easily convert into testosterone as is always the case with most steroids used by women. This is perhaps one of the reasons why it is very popular amongst female bodybuilders. In most applications, the steroid is mainly used for fat burning and thus makes it very attractive for those are keen on cutting cycles. In addition to fat burning, it can also be used to slightly grow muscle mass, but this must be done in conjunction with the right diet, and a very smart workout regime.
Anavar is also ideal for increasing strength, and this is one of the primary reasons why most female powerlifters like using it during their preparations. This is contrary to the belief that whenever you use a cutting steroid, then you will always experience a decrease in strength. With Anavar, you get to cut, without necessarily losing your power to live or perform at your very best.
Benefits of Anavar
When compared with other anabolic steroids, there are many benefits that Anavar for women has, and which makes it incredibly popular amongst the budding female bodybuilders. Here is a brief look at some of the benefits you can expect to have as a woman looking forward to tapping into the magic of steroids for achieving fitness goals.
It is one of the best steroids suited for women
As noted earlier, Anavar is to women what steroids is to men. It is considered as the female equivalent of testosterone to imply that it is well suited for the female genetics and thus guaranteed to yield very good results. It also doesn’t come with any of the ill side effects associated with other anabolic steroids used by women.
Deadly in burning fat
Fat burning is an essential aspect of any workout regime and both male and female bodybuilders understand the need to reduce the amounts of fats in their bodies if they are to have great results. One of the main reasons why bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts turn to steroids is because they want some help in reducing the number of fats in their body, and for female bodybuilders, no steroid gives better results in this sector than Anavar for women. With its use, women have the ability to burn stubborn body fats within a short time, and since it also reduces the levels of cortisol in the body, it is also crucial in ensuring that the metabolic system is functioning at its very best.
Doesn’t require any injections
One of the most disgusting aspects of using steroids is that most of them will require you to administer them through injections. It means that you have to prick yourself every time you need to take a doze. But with Anavar, you can forget about keeping a stash of syringes and needles in your home because you won’t be needing them for the administration of this steroid. This is because it is in tablet form and you will administer it just as you usually take your pain medication – all you need is a glass of water to swallow it down your throat. The fact that it is oral is one of the other reasons which makes it appealing to many women who desire to use steroids.
Increase in the strength levels
Anavar is one of the best steroids for cutting phase because it is deadly effective in helping people burn fat. But in the process, it also helps you get lean and make you stronger. In most cases, fat burning and weight loss are usually associated with a reduction in strength, but this is never the case when Anavar is the steroid in question. With it, instead of you becoming weaker as you lose fat and pounds, you will become stronger and leaner. For this reason, Anavar is a popular steroid for women powerlifters preparing for competitions and contests.
It improves athletic performance
If you are keen about lifting heavier weights, recovering faster, burning fat and performing at higher levels, then you have every reason to consider Anavar for women. It has the ability to boost one’s metabolic rate, which will, in turn, ensure that you have lots of energy necessary for a powerful training session. With most fats taken out of the body, you will also benefit from enhanced athletic looks.
Does Anavar affect Period?
You may ask: what should I do while on periods? here are few guides:
- Some get a short period (2 days)
- And some might miss few periods while taking var
- Reduces the dosage to 5mg to 10mg
Anavar Dosage for Women
#1st Cycle:
- Most women’s start with 5 – 10mg Per day
#2nd Cycle:
- And the second cycle would be 10 – 20mg Per day
Side Effects of Anavar for Women
Just like with every other steroid, Anavar also has certain side effects, though not pronounced and may not be as dangerous and those found in the others. Consequently, there is always need to use it with caution and to ensure that it is not misused in any way. Some of the common side effects you may encounter with Anavar include-:
- Liver issues – it is feared that Anavar may exert unnecessary pressure on the liver functions, especially when you are recovering or healing after a cycle. But this may only be enhanced if you are also not keen on your diet and you have poor post-workout habits such as drinking a glass of red wine.
There are other side effects associated with steroid use amongst women, but may not necessarily be attributed to the use of Anavar. However, in certain isolated cases, users may experience some of these side effects, which include body hair growth, deepening of the voice, and enlarged clitoris. If these are noticed, then the use of Anavar should be stopped immediately if one didn’t want to experience such side effects. But in most cases, no one will hardly realize that you are using Anavar because the side effects are very mild and barely noticeable.